Welcome to the website of MAGNUM HUNTER KENNEL!  

Welcome to the MAGNUM HUNTER KENNEL website!

I am István Gergely, the owner of the kennel.

Since my parents were hunters - my father worked at the Kékcsei Hubertus hunting company with a 50-year hunting background and a degree in engineering, and my mother spent 40 years there as a sport hunter and member of the management - I very early fell in love with nature, hunting and hunting with dogs.

So I have worked as a sport hunter since 1977 and as a professional hunter since 2007. I am lucky because my job is also my hobby, and at the same time I go hunting every day with my dogs.

A good hunting dog, which for me is a German Shorthair Vizsla, is an important hunting tool. They are tenacious, strong and have good instincts. They excel at small game hunting in water and on dry ground, and there is no lost game for them. My dogs have also proven their ability in tracking wounded big game.

In my breeding I want to breed better and better dogs, because this is very important in hunting and in working competitions.


The German Pointer

The German Pointer is an extremely versatile dog. It can be used for small game hunting, big game hunting, it can be with us practically all the time. This is an opportunity that is being taken up less and less these days. I believe that a hunting dog is not a tool, but a companion.

Is every German Pointer capable of picking up the wealth of knowledge needed to be an excellent hunting companion?

Hunting dogs, German Pointer , have sensational hereditary qualities, it is not largely up to the dog to learn what is expected of it, but rather to its owner. Our dogs need attention, especially when they are young. It is no doubt a sacrifice, but it is well worth it. The German Pointer is a dog that needs a lot of exercise and must always be on the move. You have to take the time and effort to train the dog to perform the various tasks in the way that hunting requires. On a big game hunt, such as a stalking or a read, if the dog puts his nose up and starts looking in one direction, he will immediately show us where to look most, where to expect the game to come from.

The German Pointer is a real all-rounder, which means that it can't be 100% efficient at certain things. It cannot compete with the bloodhound in tracking. In water work, a well-trained bloodhound can compete with retrievers, a well-trained German shepherd can approach the performance of a pointer. But the wonderful thing about the greyhound is that he can do it all. A bloodhound can't be with us on a small game hunt, no matter how sensational the dog. Retrievers, although they can mark game, don't stop there. Stopping game gives a sensational aesthetic experience and is also very practical in terms of hunting practice. The German Pointer can give us these experiences.

The dog's sense of smell, but it is safe to say that its hearing and sight are also superior to those of man. When I am sitting reading and I see my dog start to look hard in one direction, I immediately look in that direction because I know that is where something is most likely to pop up.

The basis of what hunting dogs do is that they do something that is genetically encoded into them. The whole point of training a dog is to keep this positive feeling in him, to reinforce it, to motivate him to do a task. The dog waits in a disciplined manner until he is told to fetch, then he can go and fetch it, or release it when he is told to do so again. Discipline - to come on foot, to be recalled, to be put down, to be stopped, not to run off at will for anything - must be taught to a dog. Once it is learned, it can be seen as a game and the dog shows how much he likes it. It is the responsibility of the owner to be able to assess what he is asking of his dog.

Magnum Hunter dogs

As the dog breeder "Magnum Hunter" is known, their photo gallery features many stunning photos of their hunting dogs. All of the pictures show the dogs' strong build, fast movements and keen senses.


Magnum Hunter Kennel is the kennel of one of Hungary's most successful German Pointer breeders, István Gergely. The dogs bred in the kennel have proven their excellence in numerous Hungarian and international competitions and are perfect companions in everyday life and hunting.



Contact Us

Magnum Hunter

4494 Kékcse, Szent László u. 7

+36 30 943 8469


